Reminder about using your own funds
I would just like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to be careful about using thier own funds when buying Upgrade Packs and Advertising from any Paid To Click Advertising Site. Some of these Processors Sites do not have charge backs so you can't get your money back if you haven't recieved what you have bought.
This used to be the main Payment Processor used by all Paid to Click Sites but a shake-up by paypal ripped the heart out of the cashing out. This left PTC Owners in a situation where they've had thier accounts locked which meant they could no longer pay thier Members using PayPal. There are still some PTC Sites that use Paypal though.
No Charge Backs
You shouldn't have much problems signing up to this Payment Processor Site, it's not as popular as Paypal but you can withdraw and deposit funds from most International Banks. Click on this Link to Sign Up
Banking Support for Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom and USA. You can also transfer money to your e-Gold Account. Click on this Link to sign-up. This has become one of the more preferred Payment Processors that Get Paid to Click Sites are looking for as an alternative. Unfortunately it doesn't support many countries and cheques to International Countries can take up to 2 weeks to be delivered and then you have to wait until they've cleared.
This Payment Processes uses e-Currency. e-Currency is a digital currency which can be exchanged into cash at different Websites. While I do not like this type of currency, it is becoming more common that PTC Sites will be looking at this Payment Processor
This is another Payment Processor which uses E-Currency, this time it's backed by the Gold Price. You will need to find an Exchanger to convert your E-Gold into cash, so it's very similar to, Click on this Link to Sign-up
Debit Cards
Some PTC sites may start offering thier own Debit Cards, IMHO this is even better than a Paypal Account because it's accepted widely across the Internet. Of course you could use it with your Paypal Account if need be.
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